Jedi Academy in Bakersfield

The word is spreading–the “Force” is strong with A Wish Your Heart Makes Jedi Academy parties! A Jedi Academy was held in honor of Luke’s 8th birthday Sunday, March 6th in Bakersfield. Luke and several padawans trained and joined forces with the “light” side to overcome Darth Vader and one of his stormtroopers. The new Jedi’s showed strength, agility, and stamina as they went through various training exercises. Darth Vader admitted defeat after each padawan demonstrated their new Jedi knowledge with a light saber battle. They vowed never to join the dark side and to only use the “Force” for good.
More and more children are learning about the good side of the “Force” through our academies. Book your Jedi Academy through A Wish Your Heart Makes today and spread the “Force” throughout your birthday party or event with our Jedi Masters!