Enchanted Information

Yo Ho Yo Ho…Captain Jack Sails In!

Avast Me Hearties!

Captain Jack here! When a lad or lass be celebratin’ a birthday I love to  lead um’ on a treasure hunt, and to hunt treasure we be needin’ a treasure map!

Here is how you can make one before the party:

You will need:

  • A brown paper bag
  • A black marker
  • Lemon juice
  • Small paint brush

Here is what to do:

  1. Cut a square from your brown paper. Tear the edges (don’t cut) so it looks old. Crumple it a few time and then flatten it out.You can also burn the edges a bit.
  2. With a black marker draw a map on your brown paper. give the places creative names. Some examples are: Cliffs of Doom, Dead Man’s Rock, Skull Mountain, and Cross Bones Cove, be creative! Draw a dotted line around the map to show how to get to the hidden treasure.
  3. Dip a paint brush into lemon juice and paint the “X” onto the map. When it dries it will be invisible.
  4. When you’re ready, hold your Pirate Map over a heat source (a toaster works well). You see the “X” appear before your eyes!

Source: google.com via Deanna on Pinterest